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Operation Wig-Wag Hugger

One of the first automatic grade crossing protection devices installed, the once ubiquitous Wigs-Wags are now falling at an alarming rate. For example in 1998 there were 22 wig-wags in the state of Oregon, now there are only 7 left, a reduction of 68%. These nostalgic guardsmen are falling due to crossing closures, crossing upgrades, and accidents, like the two in Banks, Oregon.

The largest known undertaking of its kind, Operation Wig-Wag Hugger aims to preserve the sights and sounds of wig-wags in action on videotape. This project is being done in standard definition, with as many wig-wags as possible being re-done in High Definition. Your assistance with this operation would be most appreciated, as the shear scope of getting all remaining wig-wags in all states is beyond practical budget constraints. This is an ongoing video project without a set release date.

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The current count of wig-wags on videotape is 47.

Read the trip report from the non-Disney California (wig-wag) Adventure.

Marcam Productions Home Page

Don't forget to check out the ultimate wig-wag site: Dan's Wig-Wag site


POTB 4405 passes the wig-wag at Timber, Oregon, one of 47 locations caught in action.


All content copyright 2008 Marcam Productions. Email: info(NOSPAM)highdeftrains.com